
Yes, claims happen. Be Prepared

Claims do happen, and we are prepared to help should the need arise!

Please contact us and we can assist you during your time of need as well as using the below:

Allianz Claims

The following are your options for reporting a claim to Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty:

Email: [email protected]
Call: 1-800-558-1606
(outside of the U.S., +1-314-513-1353)
Fax: 1-888-323-6450
(outside of the U.S., +1-314-513-1345)

Mailing Address

Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty
Attn: FNOL Claims Unit
One Progress Point Parkway 3rd Floor
O’Fallon, MO 63368

Examples of “When things go Wrong”

Alberto-Culver Corporation v. AON Corporation

This tragic example of “when things go wrong” and with “the best intentions” highlighted the need for not only proper contract review but also proper wording with respects to Non-Owned policy language. This accident involved the corporation of Alberto-Culver and AON Corporation who had an interchange agreement which allowed for the use of each corporations Gulfstream IV (GIV) when needed for business travel. The complications in this case had been unprecedented in the industry as the accident aircraft involved was owned by Alberto-Culver, however being utilized by AON corporation.

To further complicate matters, the captain was the Chief Pilot for AON Corporation and the Co-Pilot was a Captain employed by Alberto-Culver. The case involves not only the Non-Owned Aircraft Liability clauses in both policies but also include the Non-Owned Physical Damage clauses as well in addition to the Primary Hull and Liability policy language in place for Alberto-Culver.

Please find the attached document for further information.

National Insurance Company v. Wyndham Worldwide Operations, Inc.

This case study is a great example of when having your own Non-Owned Liability coverage in place for your interests applies. In summary, Wyndham owned it’s own fleet of aircraft which the placed under a management agreement with Jet Aviation and provided for the operation and maintenance. Jet Aviation would also arrange for a substitute aircraft from another aircraft in their fleet should it be necessary and one of Wyndham’s aircraft weren’t available all of which was covered under Jet Aviation’s insurance placement through National Insurance Company.

In 2008 two Wyndham’s employees were killed in an aircraft accident involving a rented airplane that was neither owned by Wyndham nor operated by Jet Aviation under the management agreement. Wyndham maintained a separate Non-Owned Aviation Liability policy which responded to the accident.

For further reading please see the attached document.

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Chicago, IL

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